Shashwat Pyakuryal

6 REASONS To Invest In ENS/Blockchain Domains (2023)

Since 2022 when the cryptocurrency and Web 3 bear market crippled us, there has been lots of interest in shifting towards blockchain domains. Most web 3 projects are garbage. And when the market is bearish, investors tend to invest in products that have actual value! This is where blockchain domains come into play! There are

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The Hollywood Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

The Wire–The Sopranos–Breaking Bad–Dexter = The Four Horsemen of Hollywood’s Apocolypse Full disclosure: This is a very America-centric article as that’s the only way I know how to present the concepts in this article. These quintessential shows of the 2000s were known for their groundbreaking storylines and character arcs. What do they have in common?

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