The Hollywood Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

The WireThe SopranosBreaking BadDexter = The Four Horsemen of Hollywood’s Apocolypse

Full disclosure: This is a very America-centric article as that’s the only way I know how to present the concepts in this article.

These quintessential shows of the 2000s were known for their groundbreaking storylines and character arcs.

What do they have in common? They all show a subliminal message of a society in a gargantuan transition phase. They appealed to all demographics to convey the idea of a rapidly changing society.

What changes are we talking about exactly? The Sopranos showed the mass corporatization of small businesses (e.g. Burt and Patsy trying to shakedown a coffee shop with ten thousand locations and the cashier not giving a shit). The Wire portrayed why cops are heavily militarized and specialized in how mass surveillance is being used as a cutthroat measure against crime in black neighborhoods. Breaking Bad displayed the mass inaccessibility of medical science to people who make well over six figures. Dexter represented a society that is fully integrated with the different races, although not fully in terms of annoyance and stereotypes.

Why did these groundbreaking shows come about in the 2000s? It came down to the fact that the internet’s full scope was not realized and it was the last time in human history that society was in complete homeostasis even if you factor in Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11, and The Great Recession. They came about in a time when people were able to understand hidden concepts but did not come out during a time when social media was massive. It came out during a time when the entertainment industry and the news media had their shit together and still had complete control over society.

When in a hundred years people look back at the history of the 2000s and the seeds planted during that time they will be confused as to why we did not get the messages and warnings of what is to come before the rise of the global far-right movement. This question can be answered like this, when society is in complete homeostasis they are more receptive to new messages, but do not take these messages seriously until the global shake-up occurs (2012). When society is in total chaos they are less receptive to new messages but take warnings much more seriously.

The characters who played the roles flawlessly in these roles are actually irrelevant. They were just tools used to captivate the audience and plant the subliminal messages into the growing audience.

The purpose of this article? Scientology is making a gigantic comeback as Hollywood needs to revamp itself. Scientologists are nutjobs, but let’s not pretend the entertainment industry wasn’t better when they were in charge. As the ideas of a changing society are realized in the way the four TV shows I mentioned goes down it becomes absolutely imperative to sedate people with good entertainment.

How do I know the Scientologists are making a comeback? Tom Cruise doesn’t just come back into relevance for a garbage movie like Top Gun: Maverick. He is too old to be relevant like this still. No, I am not shilling celebrity gossip, but there are some aspects to Scientology’s methods of control that they have over their members that could have a beneficial impact on society if properly regulated.

We are at a time when people are truly beginning to understand the transitioning society and it’s important for envious people to be distracted by good entertainment. For example, we cannot keep having more Payton Gendrons, Dylan Roofs, Frank James, and Omar Mateens of the world. Good entertainment would have easily distracted those racist and confused parasites from committing acts of terror.

Also, remember this as it is the mantra going forward. Great writers control society.

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