The Great Resurrection Of Hollywood

Metaverse is going to change the entertainment industry as we know it. Let’s look at the onlyfans to twitch pipeline. Web1 and web2 were marketed to porn addicts at first to create a mainstream subscription basis for the internet. Porn is free for a reason. Web3 will be no different. Metaporn will destroy millennial and gen z men on a level never seen before. Luckily for SP-Lethal he figured out how to regulate his sexual urges at a very important time in human history. If you were born between the years 1990-2001 you grew up watching porn at a very early age in a time when your parents were totally clueless about it. Luckily for kids born after 2010, their parents are much more in tune with how bad the internet can be.

Hollywood will fund web3 metaverse porn as a beta test to see how they can make great movies in the metaverse. There is no way around it, metaverse is here, and for a good reason. In the age of everyone’s personal identity being exposed, it’s good to have an avatar to hide with. It will give you more ability to express your true opinions without affecting you professionally. Metaverse will be beneficial to you if you work in a corporate environment and want to hide your real identity.

If you’ve ever watched Avatar in I-Max 3D you know that the movie itself was shit, but the graphics are what really counted. In the initial phases of the metaverse, the entertainment made in it will be shit, but within two years they should have it figured out. Black Mirror tried to make an interactive movie with Bandersnatch but failed miserably as the current technology we have now is more inclined towards viewing rather than interacting. In the metaverse, you will be more inclined to interacting than just observing. This new phase of the internet is the New Roman Empire. What the Romans built we will build better but in the metaverse.

The Matrix 4 will be the end of an era. The new kinds of entertainment we will have will tackle concepts that matter. The Matrix franchise in hindsight was a farce and there really is no point in trying to figure out whether we live in a real world or a fake one. You are where you are and this new era of entertainment will try and make you figure that out. The abstractions don’t matter. What matters is you and how you will develop.

Learning will be much easier in the metaverse. As America becomes more polarized people will want to homeschool their kids, but the current model we have is more inclined towards viewing rather than interacting. In metaverse schools kids will be way more interactive thus their ability to learn will be better.

Hollywood has gone through a purge over the last few years and for good reason. The metaverse will open the door for people like SP-Lethal who have original ideas that can be made into great movies and tv shows. The biggest question now is, what kind of entertainment concepts will thrive in the metaverse and which ones are we better without?

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