“Power Is A Lot Like Real Estate…

…It’s all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source the higher your property value.”-Francis J. Underwood. Anyone who has seen House of Cards knows this phrase very well. So why am I writing about this? It comes down to a startup concept I have. A concept that would fail miserably if enacted in America, but succeed immensely if done in Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nigeria, and/or any non-western country for that matter. Now, what is this startup concept? Well, I will keep that to myself to avoid getting Zuckerberged.

Why would this concept fail in America, but succeed in other parts of the world? It comes down to sociology. Americans and other westerners are way too individualistic for this to work, but non-westerners have found a happy balance between individualism and collectivism. In the United States specifically, there seems to be an anti-globalism sentiment running rampant. It’s misguided and it’s just propaganda to distract the masses from the real problem, which is VAPID INDIVIDUALISM. Immigration will help curb this stupidity, but the American propaganda machine is very strong. And I mean strong to a fault. Yes having control over your citizens is generally a good thing, but not when that control leads to what you originally intended to avert. It’s a 360.

When I lived in Asia I noticed people are very open, optimistic, and proud about the fact that they are part of a collective. Now you might be thinking, “well they aren’t multi-racial like they are here in the States, so of course, they are open to it.” Or you might be thinking “it’s a communist country of course they are brainwashed into believing in collectivism.” I have said in my previous posts these people know where the fine line between collectivism and cultism is, so it’s not an issue. So what is the issue? The issue has to do with the divisions the United States has and on a pure micro level, this wouldn’t work. On a macro level, it would work, but you cannot have something succeed in the macro until it succeeds in the micro.

South East Asia is going to be the new power in the coming decade. Not country by country, but by the ASEAN formation. ASEAN is an organization comprised of countries in Southeast Asia. Think about it like you would the European Union. The reason for this newfound power that South East Asia has to do with the fact that the people there are very open-minded, but not completely loose. Also, the governments in these countries do a good job at managing their populations. It’s going to be a bubble yes. In 1997 investing in Thailand was the hot thing, but it burst. A lot of good came out of it though, because it forced countries like Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to open up again. This new bubble has to do with developing the ASEAN countries into being formidable economic rivals to China. This obviously benefits the United States the most. It also benefits China as they can use their power as a bargaining chip into not interfering with ASEAN relations. ASEAN like the EU is there to unite the continent. A single country in the EU could not stand up to Russia, but a collective of them could. Same with ASEAN, Cambodia couldn’t stand up to China, but a whole bunch of them small countries united could. The capital of this ASEAN powerhouse will be Singapore as its the most important country in the region.

Ok, I will tell you what this startup idea is since you’ve been paying attention long enough. Basically, it’s going to address the expensive housing crisis. So imagine you’re an 18-24 and you want to move out, but have no money. And say you also want to experience the college life without paying for it and without the unnecessary classes. Well that’s what this is. Hypothetically I pack 24 people in a 5,000 square feet home and charge each $250.00 for rent. And you get to choose what theme of house you want to move into. Hypothetically you want to move into a house where everyone is learning programming. You type that into the search bar and find houses you to do that in. Also it’s a month to month thing so you aren’t tied to a rental contract. Imagine paying 250 dollars just for that. Even a kid who works minimum wage can afford that. After telling you that you can see why that wouldn’t work in USA. Too many uppity people here who will have an issue with kids being kids. But in South East Asia they don’t give a fuck. I call this concept HIVE-MIND HOUSING. Now repeat it in your mind every time. Now a lot of you are saying “how can you trust a bunch of 18-24 year olds in a house?” My retort is have you ever lived in a college dorm? For those who have they can see this won’t be as bad as people will make it out to be.

HIVE-MIND HOUSING will be the new mantra going forward. Say it and say it loud. HIVE-MIND HOUSING. Where you implement this mantra matters even more. “Power is a lot like real estate it’s all about location location location. Close you are to the source the higher your property value.” FJW. If you’re in South East Asia you should chant this mantra at a rich westerner with money and see how overnight the world will change….

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