Chat-GPT And Why You Need To Master It

Why Chat-GPT Matters

300 million people will be laid off due to advancements in AI. We are not talking about working class people, but people who built Chat-GPT will be the first ones who will be replaced. We are on the verge of equalizing humanity in a way in which all countries will have individualized and equal access to a top-notch education. AI will make the education sector truly equal. Not even the Chinese Government is going to be dumb enough to censor it. So what do you need to do about Chat-GPT? You need to master it by knowing how to maximize its potential and what the best use cases for it is. Let’s begin.

Prompting AI

Prompting an AI is more important than telling it to do something in a vague manner. Here is an example of a prompt: “Write me an ERC-20 token contract. Token name is EqualHedge. Token symbol is eqh. Contract owner is 0xr78f8fhe8584n. Maximum supply at time of contract deployment is 100,000,000. All Tokens will be minted at time of contract deployment, the contract owner will receive all 100 million tokens. Decimal places will be 18.” Read my article on the best opportunities in 2023 for Web 3.

Here is a vague question: “Create a crypto token for me.”

Chat-GPT and AIs in general hate vague instructions as they are trained to process very specific instructions. Telling it to just create a crypto token for you it will not give the AI much to wok with. The AI does not know if it’s an ERC-20 or a BTC derivative. If you want to master AI you need to master being specific with you instructions.

Chat-GPT Should Not Be Used For Understanding Politics

Chat-GPT and AIs are all about internet technology and how to make the internet work for itself. The idea of thinking Chat-GPT will help you understand politics is both misguided and absurd. An AI likes to deal with concrete numbers and concrete facts, opinions on politics is abstract and AI is just not suited for this role. Quit thinking The Matrix is actually going to happen. Don’t blur the lines between fiction and reality. Use Chat-GPT to understand technology or a technical skill. Politics is something you will have to figure out yourself.

Chat-GPT Must Be Used For Education In An Equal And Individualized Way

Chat-GPT will solve the issue of the multi-trillion dollar education market. The education market is the big reason why countries have issues managing immigration and economic development. With AI you will finally see a world where a persons geographic location does not affect their ability to get a good education. If you are to use Chat-GPT then use it to better your understanding of technical skills.

Mastering GPT

How do you master Chat-GPT? By just practicing prompts. You need to literally go onto the Chat-GPT website and just start asking random questions. Think of Chat-GPT like you would a genie, it will answer any question you want, but you ability to ask specific questions must be a skill you master on your own. The technology only works if you give it ample information to make it work. The more familiar you get with Chat-GPT the better you will know how to prompt it.

Best Job Skills To Learn With The Help Of AI

Coding is the top one I can think of. When I first used Chat-GPT I had it give me a glossary of terms and how they are used. Within the first two weeks of using Chat-GPT I understood the basics of solidity and deployed my first ever smart contract. Once GPT gets smarter you will have a teacher that will guide you to learn once very difficult to understand concepts.

With the technical capabilities of AI I use Chat-GPT with SEO outlining. I also use it to help me write an SEO meta description for my content. I however do not let it write me articles for me as I know the creative element to my work is still something I have to do. Basically I use AI to help with the technical part of optimizing my content rather than the content itself. When I first used GPT to help me optimize my content, by traffic started getting much better. GPT works with previous information to help you have a better outcome based on previous results.


It goes without saying that animation will be big once graphic design has been mastered. You can Animaker for this. There are other ones, but Animaker I found works the best.

Graphic Design:

Graphic design in the age of AI will be a thing of beauty. If you can prompt an AI that can verbally communicate your thoughts specifically you will win big time. Graphic design is always in demand and the more unique your pictures the more value they will have. Here are some examples I used with AI: The left one with the guy in a black hate was “Dark Rorschach.” The second one was “American Emperor.” The third one was “American Seductress.” You can use platforms like Dall-E, Midjourney, or Wombo

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the future of the job market will be dependent on how well you as an individual can prompt an AI. It is actually very easy once you understand the strengths and weaknesses of AI. Coding, SEO, graphic design, and animation will be the biggest jobs that Chat-GPT and AI as a whole will help people get better at.

What You Need To Do Now

Follow my Twitter which is at @EqualHedge. I will be launching a paid service soon on how you can AI to help you with Web 3 innovations. Click this article.

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