Why You Need An Enemy

“I’d Rather Be Your Enemy Than Any Friend You Think I Would Be”- The Weeknd

My biggest enemy is a childhood “friend” of mine. He was paid a lot of money to sabotage me out of my rightful billions. Albeit, I made the cardinal sin of listening to him, so it ultimately falls on me. But you don’t get to sabotage me and expect me to let it go. I was a part of an experiment and this “friend” was chosen to be the mouthpiece.

Who paid him to sabotage me? Someone I do not know.

Am I creating an enemy to blame for my own pitfalls? No, but that can be a good strategy if you need motivation in life.

Why don’t I find out who paid him? It’s irrelevant in the position I am in right now. It’s like a game, I have to reach a certain level to find the puppetmaster.

Why go after the puppet? Because I can put a face on him. He is the blockade preventing me from getting what’s rightfully mine.

How do you know he sabotaged you? I tested him in 2020. I told him “I have a multi-billion dollar idea.” I intentionally gave him a trash idea. The idea was to sell plane tickets for $1.00 and then hire day traders and mathematicians to pay off what the ticket would originally cost. He never responds unless I have something of value to say. At that point I know it was him pulling my sabotage all along. Basically, he is a wannabe Mark Zuckerberg (can be technical, but not creative).

How did he sabotage you? He played up my narcissism and manipulated my imagination (my fault for not realizing it). He crippled me in my own thoughts to the point I could not act out my billion-dollar ideas.

What was his process? He used notes from the real handler.

  1. Put him in mental submission. Use the resources the real handler gave him to spy on me.
  2. Use the intel gathered that only I would know and pretend as if you are an insider.
  3. Play up his imagination and narcissism, make him think he’s great before he gets there.
  4. Indirectly sabotage his progress. Put him with junkie roommates in college who bully and throw him off of his schoolwork.
  5. Blame his parents when he moves back home from college.
  6. Say you’re leaving and leave the person being sabotaged out to dry.
  7. Call him a fuck-up in front of your friends knowing full and well it was you who screwed him.

Why was I chosen to be sabotaged? It comes down to intelligence. Some people will get screwed and never get revenge. The experiment here is to see if I get revenge and thrive off of it. Those who don’t have the drive to get revenge don’t get chosen.

Does the guy that got paid to sabotage you know you’re going after him? Yes.

Does he care? Not right now he doesn’t.

Does he think he’s smart? Pretends to be smart. Can study good, but other than that he won’t see it coming when I get what’s mine.

Why are you broadcasting this to the world? It’s the only way.

Does he know what you will do? Maybe. He claims he’s always “200 steps ahead.” But I know he is a good talker, and he’s too dumb to be that far ahead.

What will you do to get revenge? Torture him worse the same way he tortured me, but with higher frequency. Unlike me, he will crumble from the torture. He is too dumb to find ways out of the trance. I survived and became even greater after the torture.

How do you know you will succeed? Because I would not be writing this article if I hadn’t already succeeded.

If you have already succeeded why are going after him again? To rub it in his face.

But all in all. Whatever I do to you I take zero responsibility for it. This one is on you and you alone. The same you take no responsibility for what you did to me I take none for what I am doing to you.


You NEED an enemy in life. An enemy pushes you to do good in life. So be grateful to them. An enemy deserves to be destroyed, but learn from them as much as you can and then obliterate them like the cockroaches they are.

How do you go about deciding if you’re ready for revenge? Be absolutely sure you are ready. If you get revenge and stop halfway you will regret it. Be sure you want to do it and go on the offensive and stay on the offensive. Your enemy deserves all the fury you are handing to him because remember he brought it on himself.

Mentally you must realize you are not a victim. In all honesty, you should be grateful you were chosen. These people who hire puppets to focus on one individual do it because they feel threatened by them. But don’t let the fact that you are a threat to the powers that exist cause you to become a narcissist. Them turning you into a narcissist is worse than the actual torture they put you through.

You can either let your enemy get away with it or humble yourself and get unreciprocated revenge (he takes one of my eyes, so I will take his two eyes). Your enemy will try and say “I didn’t do anything.” Or play he’ll look at you like you have lost your mind. And yes that’s a shielding mechanism. The same way your enemy denies what they did to you, you must deny it in a much harsher and humiliating fashion to them. Make them FEEL your disrespect for them. Make them angry. When your enemy is of choleric temper irritate him. Get him to do something stupid, even if he knows that’s your goal. Do something so disrespectful to him that he has no choice, but to retaliate. In fits of anger is the easiest way for you to get revenge.

Will I reveal the name of this puppet? I already revealed his name in one of my previous posts.

An enemy and the manifestation of that enemy can either make you great or make you kill yourself. There is no in-between.

How should you manifest your enemy? Look at him like he’s the practice level in a videogame before playing the actual game. It’s easier to get revenge on someone when you think of them as being “practice.” That’s all he is, that’s all he ever will be.

If you don’t have an enemy then create one. Think of someone you hate, someone who wronged you even if they did in the most mundane way, and manifest hatred for him, and then work your life and make it your mission to destroy him. Having an enemy and knowing what the mission is, is like heaven because you have ALL JUSTIFICATION needed to get what is RIGHTFULLY YOURS.

Learn psychopathy. With psychopathy, it’s not about becoming one, but using it against a psychopath. The only emotion a psychopath feels is rage. Enrage a psychopath and you will win, even if the psychopath kills you. Psychopaths who murder in a fit of rage always get caught and end up paying the price.

Learn social proofing. With social proofing, what you need to do is surround yourself with people who enable the worst aspects of your behavior and then belittle the person you’re getting revenge on in front of your enablers who will laugh at the targeted person when you humiliate them (this one is what my enemy taught me). It will confuse that person, even if he knows the purpose is to cause confusion in him.

Do not attempt to make an enemy unless you’re sure you want to go on the offensive. Having an enemy is a good motivator, but it can also destroy you if you live too much in your head and cannot act out your need for it.

To my enemy. I am grateful for what you have taught me, but you are of no use to me anymore, therefore you must be destroyed. You should’ve realized you were a puppet.

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