We are in a new age of Right Wing Control. The old Left Wing Control system of the Neoliberal Clinton/Obama Era is over as we know it. What made the Neoliberal era the success that is became? Big money backers like Soros and the tech sector. What caused it to collapse? They violated their de-facto social contract with the public and wanted hyper-sexual indoctrination of America. This is where they screwed up. Not even BLM or CRT was as damaging to the left as the LGBTQ movement. With BLM and CRT people at least understood it and treated it more like a nuisance than a civilization threat. People are treating the LGBTQ agenda as a civilizational threat.
Am I saying that the LGBTQ agenda is why we are in a complete and total right wing control? Yes. Had the left been more tame and kept it at acceptance rather than indoctrination not only would they still be in power, many of their far left agendas would have come to fruition.
In a very grotesque way the left overplaying their hand is the reason why Americans are not in a communist danger zone as they were during the Obama era. Had the left kept the LGTBQ agenda strictly to acceptance of the gays and not full blown indoctrination, then even the most right wing people would have accepted communism.
The name of this article is “Trump’s Control Method,” why does the above part of the article Trump? It comes down to control. The right if they want to keep power need to keep vile agendas and propagators of these agendas at bay. Which movements on the right will be their trojan horse?
- Christian Nationalism: Most GOP politicians who preach about Jesus or The Gospel rarely act godly. This hypocrisy is even hated by the most ardent right wing base. This could cause the left to make a comeback if they were less woke.
- Black Nationalism: In the 1960s an unholy alliance between white nationalists and black nationalists formed as they both saw integration as a threat to both the white and black races. In the case of black nationalism Trump needs to make sure the borders are secure. With white nationalists it’s just online coping. Black Nationalists will take action. And you do not want black nationalists taking the action that white nationalists can only talk about, but do not have the balls to do.
- Ass Rape Era: With the new right wing system coming in, many gay men on the right will use their gayness to justify the rape of liberal men as revenge for political differences. This will have severe ramifications. This could cause a left wing uprising by the sheer fact that the left can say “So you can ass rape us, but we can’t ass rape you?” You all think this sounds like a joke and a troll, but it’s not.
These are just a few Trojan Horses that the right will face.
In the neoliberal era they had the financial backing, but they had a secret weapon that they kept for secret for a long time. This secret’s name is Jeffrey Epstein. The more of a secret Epstein was from the public the better the neoliberals were at keeping control.
So what went wrong? Alex Jones, Wikileaks, and Twitter (now X). They were unprepared for the internet. After Epstein became more of a public figure the more his influence and extortion ability diminished and the more extreme the left got. You see the Clinton’s understood that the left can’t go too far or the world will shift right. Epstein was used as a blackmail enforcer to get the crazies in line. Now that the Epstein racket is blown open all of these powerful people act with impunity as they no longer need to hide what the public assumes about them, they just need to hide the tapes only.
So am I saying that Trump needs a Right Wing Epstein? Yes. Trump’s problem is he cannot have the Neoliberal era bigwigs suddenly shift to him, this would make people turn heads and question what’s really going on. What Trump needs to do is quell the crazies on his own side. There are a lot of powerful sexual deviants on the right that are Pro-Trump, but would not accept his request if he told them to cool the rhetoric on something. This is where Trump needs a right wing Epstein.
A lot of you wonder is Trump fucked up enough to get his own Epstein when he tried so long to expose the Neoliberal Epstein? Yes. Trump 2.0 is not Trump 1.0. Trump 2.0 understands submission and control of the top influencer in his base is paramount for his second term and for new successive Republican administrations. He also understands that the public will not accept the neoliberal influencers who were in submission to Epstein, it would be too obvious.
How would the right wing Epstein avoid being exposed like the Neoliberal Epstein? He cannot be getting high off of his own supply. Neoliberal Epstein thought he was so untouchable that he could get high off his own supply as he did not think anyone was fucked up enough to recreate what he did. The right wing Epstein will understand to keep his cock in check.
So why was the Neoliberal Epstein incapable of keeping the LGTBQ movement at bay if he had submission over these people? It came down to a lack of reinforced emphasis from Epstein’s “masters” which were Obama and Clinton. I put masters in quotes as that was the technical power structure but in reality Epstein was the one with the power, he just could not use it as it could backfire on him. Obama and Clinton definitely understood the trojan horse of the LGTBQ agenda, but did not think that the over emphasis of it on the cultural and institutional front would switch the world hard right initially, but once they did the decided to double down on it and start trying to normalize the worst of it. The public naturally saw right through it and the full scale indoctrination did not work, but worked well for the right. Ultimately the problem was that Obama and Clinton were not keeping to the rules of control and curried favors and bribes from those Epstein had submission over, which gave Epstein no control over them as he was also in risk of being exposed since he is also on tape doing horrible things. The rightwing Epstein must be willing to expose anyone who does not fall in line with Trump’s agenda. Anf Trump must not accept bribes from those who are in submission to right wing Epstein.
Why would Trump allow sex trafficking if he worked hard to prevent it in his first term? And who would give him and the right wing Epstein their “supply”? This is about control, power, and submission now. For the first question, for the videos of the old guard, Trump will use to get them to stay silent but not publicly support him, but for the new guard they need to know the supply is coming from Donald Trump and the right wing Epstein themselves to ensure they “trust” the supply. He only fought against trafficking in the last administration to expose gain power over the offending parties on the Neoliberal faction. Another point on the first question is that we are now in an age where parents who grew up in the 2000s should know how to keep their kids safe from trafficking, if they don’t it’s on the parents. For the second question, human trafficking is a very easy crime to commit; lots of stupid parents, enough remedial knowledge of SecOps to cover your whereabouts you can find lots of idiots who you can use as traffickers then put some cops on the payroll to “rescue” the kids. This won’t be as vile as the Neoliberal Epstein as the right wing Epstein will probably keep this to strictly to runaways between 13-17.
Why is it important for it to go back into the dark and out of the public ether? If getting high functioning psychopaths to keep their psychopathy in check by having them on video doing bad things has worked for a long time why stop now? Why fix something that is not fundamentally broken? ANSWERS: It is not healthy for the public to know about these things in the long term as it will create a sense of normalization through stagnation. And as long as it is not trying to be normalized to the public and as long as the extortion is done for the benefit of America and other world leaders don’t use America’s extortion property.—The neoliberal Epstein sold extortion material to foreign government, the right wing Epstein will not be dumb enough to do this, but if he gets high off his own supply then he will.
All in all what was in the dark, came to light, and is now going dark again under a new regime. Control and submission is all that matters now.
The question remains. How do you exactly put what has come to light back in the dark? “TERRORISM.” Trump’s supporters believe the neoconservative and neoliberal era is dead, they will never accuse Trump of orchestrating a false flag when Trump will be the one behind it. Tune in to the next article.