MK-Ultra has been deduced down to civilian play. Anyone can do this now. The US government has lost all control.
Knowing the fact that civilians can DELIBERATELY manufacture other civilians into becoming killers is a realization that the US government would not want people to come to. This undermines any and all control the media and government have over the general population.
If I wanted someone dead I could just get a recently homeless guy that fell on hard times, with no criminal record and use his impulse for revenge. Then hop him up on LSD and nicotine and give him a few hundred dollars to buy a semi-automatic and have him kill whomever I damn well want.
This basic realization, when it hits the public ether is going to change American society and any society that allows guns as we know it. Either we descend into full-blown panic mode, or we become a civilized society. And there is no in-between here. It’s all or nothing at this point.
The government cannot just crack down on LSD. It would be impossible. And they cannot ban guns as even leftists are becoming staunch pro-2A.
The future of MK-Ultra rests on the civilian class.
The next big experiment on the government’s end will be to manufacture a manufacturer of killers.
In a nutshell, the MK-Ultra program is being privatized. And there will be no way to keep the manufacturers accountable. As most of these killers will be programmed into committing suicide after a few minutes of the rampage.